Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Surf Fog

Last weekend I paddled out at Pac City around 7 p.m. There was one guy out. The sun was faint in the distance, and the fog was out in full force. I think the fog was keeping alot of people out of the water. The waves were shoulder high and super clean. Mostly close out sets but once in a while a nice right would come through. Alot of guys don't like the fog. It creep's them out, and is definitley dangerous in bigger surf. But there's always clean surf with fog. Wind blows the fog out. So if there's fog, there's usually no wind. It was amazing to be past the break, with a few friends, as the sun was going down, in a very surreal environment of thick fog. I could see the blur of a campfire on the beach. The water was relativley warm.....Surf Fog is a good thing.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

excellent! can't wait for this weekend!